Experience the beauty of Preidlhof’s transformational wellness retreats in South Tyrol
A mild climate, the sun caressing the landscape from dawn to sunset, the green of the trees and the majesty of the mountains, the clear fresh air, its perfumes, tranquility and silence: in these places of peace and harmony the days dedicated to the transformational wellness retreats signed by The Preidlhof Way flow by.
In September, summer vanishes into autumn and like in all seasons’ passages it is an ideal time to change pace.
We let go of the extroversion and fiery energy of summer to venture into our most subtle dimensions: September is the month that Preidlhof has chosen to hold some of his most magical transformational retreats.
Vis medicatrix naturae – the healing force of nature – wrote Hippocrates: there is a vital force in every manifestation of nature, including the human being, which always works to restore balance and drawing on it is one of our most powerful resources.

Glowing Flow is the retreat of the heart, designed for those who want to deepen self-knowledge by awakening their innate inner healer. A journey to discover our most intimate dimensions, to let go of blocked emotions and harmonize body and mind in a natural way. An extraordinary retreat led by two internationally recognized holistic wellness experts: Stefano Battaglia, expert in body techniques and specialized in Trauma Touch Skills and Patrizia Bortolin, Wellness Designer and Healing Coach, creator of The Preidlhof Way philosophy.

Dedicated to women, Menopause Retreat is thought to appreciate the beauty of this natural passage of time: a moment of emotional and physical transformation that becomes an opportunity to reconnect with oneself, to rediscover one’s most hidden talents and celebrate gratitude for life
And to support one of our most important nutrients, sleep, Sleep Better is the retreat created to rediscover one’s natural rhythm and transform night rest into a moment of profound regeneration, reflected not only in the quality of sleep but also in our daily well-being.
We are part of nature, even if the daily routine and the city life often distance us from it.
We believe to be separate from nature, we are no longer used to follow natural cycles and observe the lessons that nature offers us, building complicated lives for ourselves and struggling to understand what really nourishes our well-being.
The colors, the scents, the landscapes, the sounds, the rhythms… every manifestation of nature can become a lesson for self-care and a guide to know ourselves better.
Walking in the woods, getting lost in the Val Venosta apple orchards, relaxing among the palms and olive trees that build the Mediterranean landscape of the Preidlhof gardens: nature, with its mere presence, prepares us to rediscover our time, to follow a rhythm of harmony and balance, to redefine priorities and bring out our most authentic visions and intentions

Immersed in nature, we can fully enjoy the power of Preidlhof’s transformational wellness retreats, in an evolutionary journey teaching us to slow down on the outside to speed up on the inside.